Language Masters

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Language Masters is a Language Teaching and Translation Platform dedicated to all customers and other professionals who are interested in Languages, in teaching and learning methodologies and in Translation services.

My name is Francesca Negro and I work as language teacher since 2005, with a broad experience developed between Italy, France and Portugal and also working with American universities in specialized intensive course.
I have a M.A. in Italian Literature a Ph.D in Comparative Literature and a Masters degree in Performance Studies. I also own a Masters Degree in Teaching Italian as second language (University of Genoa). I have taught at BA and MA levels both in Italy and Portugal, and provided pastoral and academic tuition and research supervision to BA and MA students. In the last few years I have been working at the University of Lisbon as Visiting Lecturer of Inter-art Comparative Studies and Intercultural communication, while also teaching Italian Language and Culture.
I have been trained as teacher of Italian as second language, but I also have been trained to conceive effective methodologies for language acquisition and producing teaching materials.
I am interest in conceiving strategies to use creative processes and artistic tools in order to stimulate language acquisition as interactive and cultural process.

One of my most significant contributions during my research activity at the Centre for Comparative Studies, at Lisbon University, has been a seminar on Artistic education: based on inter-arts studies principles and on the importance of developing artistic thinking and communicative strategies through teaching activities. The latter, in particular, is a topic that I have been studying thanks to the important collaboration that the Centre had developed with Harvard School of Education. This experience has been relevant for the creation of my own perspective on the teaching activity and for my own interest in cognitive processes of learning.

I am currently collaborating with the Centre of Languages of the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon University and to the language department of the European University of Lisbon and with the School Study in Italy, which offers intensive Italian courses in Genova and in Siena.

I am a dynamic teacher and I always obtained very good results giving students all my attention and trying to be creative and stimulating in order to awake their interest and teach them how to be motivated, organized and autonomous in their own studies and researches.
My team of teachers are equally prepared and follow the same pedagogy: based on a communicative approach but without neglecting the explanation of grammar structures and rules.

My translators' team is composed by brilliant professionals, which are trained to produce texts of different typologies and that are used to work with very exigent clients and in short timing.

Our training programs are dedicated to both new language teachers and schools' directors which are interested in improving their methodologies of communication and internal trainings.

We provide a lot of other services including tutoring and motivational trainings in enterprises with surprising results, contact us to know more!

Languages are our passion and we always give our best to satisfy clients and produce beautiful products.

Language classes

Language classes

On this site you can buy individual classes of different languages or book a teacher for group classes of different levels. Contact us to have the prices of private individual and group classes to work at your rhythm and follow your specific needs.

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Our translators work from and to Italian French Spanish Portuguese and English. If you want more just ask, you never know? ;)

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We are specialized in Training and Mentoring, we can help you motivate your teachers, your employees and of course your students. We organize team-building in enterprises bases on a creative use of communication and, upon request, on the practice of foreign languages.

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English Easy Practice   - Listening Stories To Improve Speaking

English Easy Practice - Listening Stories To Improve Speaking

English Easy Practice Listening Stories To Improve Speaking

Good English Book on discount on Amazon! ;)

Good English Book on discount on Amazon! ;)

Teacher's suggestion !

Learn how to use visualization to improve your concentration and cognitive skills

Learn how to use visualization to improve your concentration and cognitive skills

If you think you can't, we do think you can, but you just didn't understand how. This program can help you, I tried it myself and is a powerful allied for your cognitive capacities click here. You'll get control of your life in no time

 "Tive a oportunidade de tirar um curso de Italiano com a professora Francesca e foi das melhores decisões que fiz! O curso foi super dinâmico, divertido e o mais importante, foi muito útil!! Agradeço muito à professora por se ter cruzado no meu caminho académico e ter-me ensinado tanto. Pela primeira vez um curso de línguas não foi aborrecido mas sim super divertido e com pessoas que hoje considero amigas!! Quem tiver a sorte de ter aulas com a professora Francesca prepare-se para embarcar numa aventura cheia de música, dança e animação!! Numa Era em que ter aulas é considerado "aborrecido" a professora Francesca chega cheia de garra e vontade de ensinar! É impossível não ficar cativado a ouvi-la!!" 

Joana Cunha

 "Aulas ao final do dia, duas vezes por semana? Dois meses a ter aulas de Italiano depois de um longo dia de faculdade? Pensei logo para comigo “oh não, isto tem tudo para não correr bem!”. No primeiro dia um pouco nervosa, nem queria experimentar pronunciar alguma palavra para não dizer disparates. No segundo dia ainda nervosa, a ganhar confiança para ler, mas sorte a minha só me saiam palavras em espanhol... No entanto, graças à ajuda e persistência da professora, lá comecei a expressar o Italiano que tinha dentro de mim e terminei este curso com um sorriso gigante na cara. Não só porque conquistei um objetivo que já tinha há algum tempo, mas também porque o consegui com uma professora dedicada, num ambiente de aulas cheio de energia, dinâmico e alegre." 

Carlota Gerardo

 "O que mais gosto nas suas aulas é que faz com que aprender italiano seja algo realmente simples. Gosto que a primeira parte seja a dar a matéria e a segunda mais didática. E dos diálogos que provoca nas aulas entre todos... com outros professores normalmente à tendência para criar pares e depois acaba sempre por se evidenciar mais uma pessoa do que outra e no nosso curso achei mesmo que existia uma coesão muito grande entre todos. E depois o facto de falar da cultura italiana e não apenas de matéria dada mas mesmo de experiências... até da Elena Ferrante... eu li a amiga genial... o livro está muito bem escrito e é super cativante." 

Catarina Andrade Figueiredo Cesário de Jesus

 "Conheci a professora Francesca quando morei em Lisboa por dois anos. Estava cursando mestrado científico e aproveitei para me aprimorar no italiano. Foi uma experiência maravilhosa. Suas aulas são divertidas e dinâmicas. A partir de suas lições, pude acessar boa literatura italiana, o que muito me ajudou nas pesquisas acadêmicas. Recomendo fortemente.” 

Felipe Barbosa Ribeiro

 Francesca is a competent teacher who has great teaching skills. I recommend you her classes! 

Valeria Braga

 Ho l’onore di conoscere la DR Negro da tanto tempo. In lei apprezzo la tenacia e la professionalità. Ho avuto modo di misurare la sua competenza quando le ho consegnato, un anno fa, la revisione del mio libro sulla cosmetologia. 

Rossella Boccardo

 Comecei as aulas para voltar o contato com o inglês e têm sido incrível. As aulas são dinâmicas e diferentes dos cursos usuais, em 3 aulas vi muito mais do que me foi passado em outros cursos de inglês. Estou animada com o progresso e indico muito para quem quer aumentar o vocabulário, perceber as diferenças dos tempos verbais de forma prática e sem rodeios Além de treinar a fala, pois toda aula é dada em inglês. 

Bruna Torres
Solano Trindade's Zumbi dos Palmares Malungo (English version with a critical introduction)

Here you have an extract of my translation of the play written by Solano Trindade, Zumbi dos Palmares Malungo published by the academic journal Brasiliana The complete text is available at:

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